About / Contacts

Hi, I’m Jonny Miller, the author of this site. Welcome!

I’m a scientist from the UK and I’m studying capuchin monkeys in Paraguay. I’m working from the field station of the conservation and research organisation Para La Tierra at the ecological reserve of Laguna Blanca, in a rural area of the country.

Laguna Blanca is composed of a variety of fascinating but fragile habitats, such as subtropical rainforest, dry forests and cerrado savannah. Unfortunately, across Paraguay and other areas of central South America, these habitats are being plundered by deforestation for agriculture and cattle farming.

The hopes for this site are that it may:

  • Raise awareness of the variety of habitats here in Paraguay
  • Raise awareness of the importance of these habitats for the huge variety of animals that depend on them
  • Document the work here to encourage aspiring biologists to consider field work in threatened habitats
  • Encourage anyone with an interest in the environment or animals to consider volunteering with any reputable organisation working in Paraguay to survey and protect this beautiful area and its wildlife


If you wish to contact Jonny Miller, please email drjonnymiller@gmail.com

For more information on Para La Tierra and volunteer opportunities, please visit www.paralatierra.org

For a comprehensive database of Paraguayan animals, please visit www.faunaparaguay.com


Legal stuff: All images have been taken by Jonny Miller (unless otherwise stated in the caption) and are the copyrighted property of Jonny Miller and Para La Tierra (© Jonny Miller and Para La Tierra, 2012) . Unauthorized use and/or duplication of images or blog material without express and written permission from Jonny Miller is strictly prohibited – please feel free to get in touch for permission to reproduce them for educational or private use. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jonny Miller and PlanetParaguay with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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